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ZT51 hydraulic evenly divided CNC turntable

ZT51 hydraulic evenly divided CNC turntable
  • dahua


CNC turntable is an important machine tool accessories, its application provides rotary coordinates for the machine tool, through the fourth axis, the fifth axis to drive the turntable to complete equal, unequal or continuous rotary machining, making it possible to process complex surfaces, expand the processing range of the machine tool.

ZT 51 series equal division turntable is a hydraulic mechanical indexing device designed and produced for special machine tools. It realizes the loosening, tightening and rotation of the turntable through the hydraulic cylinder, so that the turntable can complete the fixed Angle rotation under the control of the host control system, and then complete the processing of parts by the host. The turntable has the characteristics of flexible action, large braking force, high indexing accuracy, tight structure and simple control.

Existing product specifications from the table diameter of 200-2000mm range


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